Friday, April 29, 2022

Exterminator Tips: Identifying Your Pests

Pests are wildlife, rodents, and insects that are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They serve a purpose if they are in their natural habitat. But once they get inside your home or commercial establishment, or hang around your backyard, they immediately become a pest. You need the help of an exterminator.

For instance, what termites do is break down decaying and dead organic matter in the forest. But inside your home, it will cause extensive damage. In case you are experiencing a pest problem in your house or commercial business and would like to find out more about it, you need to have a pest control guide that you can refer to. In so doing, you’ll have a good idea of what you are dealing with and you’ll be able to provide all the information required once you call in an exterminator in Myrtle Beach.

Types of Pests

Acrobat Ants – They are commonly found living outdoors in dark damp areas such as under rocks, dead trees, logs, mulch, woodpiles, and landscaping tiles. Ants are known for travelling along fences, utility lines, as well as trees and getting access to your house while looking for food. They get inside your house through the openings found in the home’s foundation, gaps around doors or windows, as well as spaces that are found around the entrances to the utility room.

American Cockroaches – when this type of pest infests your home, you will notice a lot of signs, which could help you as well as any residential pest control company get rid of it as soon as possible. They commonly live in damp, warm areas such as underneath the flowerbeds and the mulch. They make their way inside a house or building while looking for food. Cockroaches can enter through spaces located around or underneath doors or through drains and pipes.

Bed Bugs – they are not known to carry any dangerous diseases but they can be very annoying. Bed bugs must be eliminated in any house or building as soon as possible because they could multiply fast and feed on you as well as your family while you are sound asleep.

Brown Recluse Spiders – they typically live outdoors and look for quiet and dark places to hide and live in like leaf piles, sheds, woodpiles, trees, and fallen logs. They are venomous spiders that may get inside your house, sheds, garages, and other structures while looking for food sources or while searching for a safe and dark spot to hide in. Inside your home, they can be found hiding in cabinets, basements, closets as well as other storage places that are not disturbed regularly.

Mice – common indications that your home is infested include dropping in cabinets, edges of the floors, drawers, pantry areas, storage areas, and behind appliances. They can gnaw on clothing, furniture, as well as food containers. They give off a musky odor, which is common in large pest infestation, and you will notice noises above ceilings and behind walls.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you need help in getting rid of pests in your home.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Pest Control Tips To Prevent Cockroach Infestation

According to pest control experts, cockroaches are widespread all throughout South Carolina. And they are often called different names including American cockroach, Palmetto bugs and water bugs. They are often seen in many residential homes. In fact, they are considered as among the most common household pests that homeowners are battling on a daily basis. Aside from being a daily annoyance, these pests are known to spread filth, contaminating your food and causing various diseases.

How to get rid of cockroaches

There are many different ways to keep cockroaches away from your home. Primarily you need to keep your home clean, especially your kitchen and bathrooms. It is important that there are no scraps of food on the floor or leftovers on the countertops and tables at any time during the day or night. Keep in mind that this is what attracts cockroaches to your home.

In addition to these, here are other pest control tips to help you prevent cockroach infestation.

• Make sure the trash cans that you use both indoors and outdoors have tight fitting lids. Aside from leftover food in the kitchen, cockroaches are also attracted to food wastes in your trash can. Thus, it helps to keep them away if you use trash cans with lids. You should also inform everyone in the household to always keep your trash cans covered at all times.

• Place leftover food and opened bags of chips in airtight containers. In addition to keeping your food fresh, storing them in airtight containers seals their scent inside the containers, effectively hiding them from cockroaches looking for food. If the cockroach will not be able to smell food in your kitchen and pantry, they will not stay there for a long time. Make sure that when you open bags of spices or cans of sauces, you store what is left of them in airtight containers and jars.

• Keep the flooring, counters and shelves clean at all times. There should be no crumbs or spills of food anywhere in the kitchen or pantry, particularly in the shelves, countertops, cabinets, drawers and the floor. Keep in mind that cockroaches love to lurk in these areas. Thus, when a spill happens, you need to clean it at once. Make sure there are no traces of the spill that can attract cockroaches.

• Have your local plumber or handyman service your faucets and drains regularly. These should always be in tip top shape and are able to function effectively. Otherwise, you risk having clogged drains which will cause water to stand in your sink for long periods of time. Nothing calls the attention of cockroaches more than standing water in sinks, especially if the water came from washing your dishes and pots; thus, possibly having the presence and scent of food scraps.

• Avoid cluttering kitchen cabinets and drawers. Aside from food spills and crumbs, cockroaches also have cluttered and messy areas because this provides great and safe hiding places for them. To ensure they have nowhere to hide, keep your kitchen cabinets and drawers organized and tidy.

The very best way to keep cockroaches out of your home is regular pest control service. Schedule regular pest control service with Zap Pest Control and kiss the cockroaches goodbye.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

What Are The Most Emotionally Damaging Pests?

In the previous post, we discussed if pests infestations can affect your emotional health. If you want to know the psychological effects pests can have on humans, click this link to learn more.

Today, we’ll learn what pests can cause the most emotional damage.

Although you can get PTSD from pests, some cause serious emotional damage. Rodents and other insects can hide in places and appear when you least expect them. You should be concerned about them as they can spread disease quickly. These pests can be very damaging to your thoughts and emotions. That’s why residential pest control is essential.

1.Bed Bugs

It’s normal to feel embarrassed or stressed about having a bedbug infestation. Bed bugs can cause you to feel more down than normal. You should also be concerned about the safety of your guests if you have a hotel. These are just a few of the many reasons bed bugs can cause so much distress.

They can multiply quickly: A single bed bug could be the beginning of many. They can travel through your clothing, luggage, flooring, and furniture. You could have multiple complaints if you own an apartment or hotel.

They bite while you sleep: Bed bugs can be found anywhere. However, they prefer to live in beds and crawl in the middle of the night. They secrete a numbing substance that allows them to bite you without disturbing your sleep. This information alone will make your skin crawl.


Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of. Even if you believe you have eliminated them all, they can still hide in places that are difficult to reach and spread. You could become paranoid or obsessive if you don’t employ a professional exterminator to treat your property.

You might still feel the psychological effects of bed bug infestations, even after the exterminator has solved the problem. Although you should be concerned if bed bugs are found on your property you don’t have to be worried if they don’t become an issue. You can rest assured that bed bugs will not be coming into your home if you hire a professional pest control company.

2. Rodents

Mice and rats can easily enter your home by crawling through cracks in the foundation or roof. Rat infestations can lead to anxiety and depression in business owners as well as homeowners. A rodent infestation can ruin your restaurant’s reputation.

These are just a few of the many reasons rodents can have an emotional or physical effect.

You’ll hear them making unpleasant noises and smells. Mice or rats can make small scratches against your walls, or you might hear squeaks from the ceiling. You may also find urine and feces in your home or business. This can cause indoor air quality problems.

They can carry disease: Your body creates healthy fear to protect you and your family from any potential harm. Because they carry disease wherever they go, rats and mice can pose a threat to your safety and health. Repeated exposure to mice can make your fear a phobia.

They are good at hiding: Because rats and mice can be unwelcome guests, they will hide in cracks and crevices throughout the house. If you don’t get rid of them quickly, they will be eating your food from the pantries before you know it.

We have come to learn that rats can be disgusting. You might think you have done a poor job of taking care of our living spaces if you find one in your home. If a rat was found in your restaurant, customers might also think that the kitchen is dirty.

It is not a sign of your ability or inability to maintain your property clean if you have mice on your property. To determine how and why mice are staying on your property, you should call a pest control company in Myrtle Beach like Zap Pest Control Inc. You can maintain your brand and increase confidence in your products by dealing with mice quickly.


3. Cockroaches

These disgusting creatures often live in hotels and apartments. They can cause allergy symptoms and a musty smell, as well as psychological distress. Although they aren’t aggressive, they can transmit diseases and viruses to you and your guests.

Cockroaches can be a menace to your home because of the following:

  • They can spread disease quickly: Cockroaches, like mice, carry bacteria and viruses that can make you or your family sick. Some people can develop allergic reactions. They can spread disease quickly because they are mobile so they could infect your entire property.
  • They can multiply quickly: Even if one cockroach is found in your home, it’s likely that there are many. You should get rid of cockroaches immediately as they can lay up to 50 eggs per day.
  • They hide in darkness: Cockroaches love dark and moist areas so they might not be obvious. Cockroaches travel at night when you are asleep and will stay in the shadows until you turn the light on.
  • They will run around your property: The sudden movement of the critter can be a surprise to you if you don’t anticipate it.

Pest Control Tips: How to Prevent a Pest Infestation

These negative psychological and emotional effects can be avoided by keeping pests out of your home. These tips from experts in pest control in Myrtle Beach will help you prevent an infestation.

  1. Make sure your property is clean. Dust and leftovers can attract cockroaches, mice and other pests. You can also make sure pests don’t have any places to hide by putting away papers and clothes that aren’t on the floor or desk. Make sure that your housekeeping staff is aware of the dangers of pests if you have a business. It’s also recommended to hire an expert that offers termite treatment if you notice signs of infestation.
  2. Clean your clothes regularly. Pests love food and body sweat. To keep rodents out of your drawers and closets, do your laundry once a week.
  3. Take care of your pets. Ticks and fleas can attach to pets’ furs and make their way inside the house.
  4. After being outdoors, check yourself. Insects can travel through clothing and skin to get into your home. After spending time outside, make sure to check your clothing, shoes, and skin for any signs of wandering insects.
  5. Lawn treatments. Regular application of lawn care treatment will kill small pests and remove the food source for more serious threats. If they don’t find the rood that they want, wildlife and rodents will likely leave your home.

You can avoid pest infestations by hiring a pest control company such as Zap Pest Control, Inc.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Can Pest Infestations Affect Your Emotional Health?

Pest infestations can cause psychological and emotional damage as well as physical health problems. You can prevent pest infestations from occurring by knowing the potential damage that rodents or insects can cause to your home and your business. This will help protect your family and staff. You can also hire pest control experts to help you get rid of these pesky critters.

Pests can cause emotional damage to the entire family, regardless of whether there are older or younger children. Pests can cause damage to your business, including lawsuits, in commercial buildings such as hotels and one instance recently reported in a grocery store. Zap Pest Control Inc. can help you prevent this from happening to your business or home.

Psychological effects of pests

Infestation affects all five senses. Pests can be ugly and produce a foul-smelling stench that can change how you see the environment. There are two options: you could feel the bed bugs crawling on your skin or hear them scurrying about in the walls. You may have nightmares, flashbacks, or fear of entering a room with bugs. Consider the psychological and emotional consequences of pest infestations in your home or business.

1. Phobias

Phobia is a fear that causes disorientation or impairment and can be caused by an intense fear of an object, person or place. This psychological phenomenon causes a person to react negatively even if they are just thinking about a rodent or bug being there. If you experience any of these symptoms, then you probably have a phobia with pests.

Intense fear of the pest: This can make bed bugs, cockroaches, mice, or other insects seem dangerous or deadly. These pests can cause illness or threaten your property. This is your body’s way of protecting itself. The fear can be so intense that it can become unbearable. You might think of the rodent or insect as the end of the world.

Anxiety that is uncontrollable: Panic attacks can occur when the thought or sight of a pest triggers your thoughts. Panic attacks can cause nausea, vomiting, racing heart, trembling and difficulty breathing. You don’t think rationally when you confront the object of fear.

These are just a few of the phobias that you might have due to pest infestations.

  • Katsaridaphobia is a fear of cockroaches.
  • Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders.
  • Entomophobia is a fear of all insects that can be extreme and irrational.
  • Musophobia: You might be afraid of rats and mice.
  • Apiphobia is a term that describes someone who has a fear of bees.
  • Myrmecophobia is an extreme fear of ants that can be characterized as myrmecophobia.

The fear is unfounded. It is best to learn about the pests and their benefits. Some insects, such as bees, spiders and ants can help to improve the ecosystem and even eat pests like mosquitoes. You can also learn to prevent anthills and beehives, create safe areas in your home, or call an exterminator for help.

2. Delusional Parasitosis (DP)

It’s possible for you to feel a crawling sensation when you come across a disgusting insect. In extreme cases, the feeling could become so bad that it can affect your psychological or emotional health. This disorder is not something you may be aware of. People won’t always talk about the condition, so it is possible to feel shame or guilt.

These symptoms may be present if you have had a pest infestation.

  • Invisible bugs: People who have DP believe they have an infestation. You might feel a crawling sensation, hallucinations or itchiness.
  • Self-harm: People suffering from DP will do anything to get rid of the tiny insects and bugs that are on their skin. To relieve itching, they might use tweezers or other products to get rid of them. They end up doing more damage than good.
  • Pesticide use excessively: People with DP may use too many chemicals or pesticides to get rid of the pests. Pest control companies in Myrtle Beach only use safe amounts of chemicals to eliminate the pests. However, excessive pesticide use can cause harm to your environment and yourself.

3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disease (OCD).

OCD symptoms can also develop in those who have experienced a pest infestation. The condition causes intrusive thoughts, images and urges to enter a person’s head, mostly around seeing or hearing the pest. These thoughts can be eliminated by engaging in repetitive or compulsive mental activities, such as cleaning their environment or taking care of their own needs.

These symptoms may be seen in people who are anxious about pests.

Obsessive house cleaning is when a person with OCD has a strong desire to clean their home repeatedly. They might sweep the floor, clean the table, or wash their hands many times before they feel their home or body are clean enough. OCD people might be too obsessed to clean after a pest infestation.

OCD can lead to contamination obsessions. OCD sufferers could be extremely anxious about the possibility of coming in contact with dirt, germs, sticky residue, or dust. They may develop washing or cleaning compulsions, such as excessive toilet wiping, brushing teeth, and showering. They will also feel that their clothes are always dirty and feel the need for laundry more often than they should.

4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A severe distressing event can trigger PTSD, which is an extreme anxiety disorder. This disorder usually occurs after a traumatic event that is repeated or prolonged. Symptoms may not appear until many years later. People can develop PTSD from being bitten by bees, swarmed or bitten by wasps or suffering damage from rodents such as bed bugs, cockroaches, or spiders.

People with PTSD are triggered by their trauma. They may relive the negative experience if they come across a photograph or a healthy amount of insects in a safe area or return to the spot where they were attacked. These are the symptoms of PTSD that can be caused by engaging with a pest.

Nagging memories: The memory of a traumatizing event such as seeing or feeling large numbers of rodents or insects in your home will stay with you. Unwanted, repetitive, and distressing memories of the event and your feelings during it will be present. These memories can manifest in nightmares or flashbacks and cause you to replay the traumatizing experience as if it had happened again. Sometimes, you might experience emotional distress such as anger, humiliation or depression when someone reminds you of what happened.

Avoidance: You can avoid reliving the event by developing habits of avoidance. This means that you will not talk about or think about it again. Avoidance: You may avoid certain people, places, or activities that are reminiscent of the event.

Negative thoughts and emotions: Your traumatic experience could have triggered feelings like death or hopelessness. You may also develop negative thoughts about yourself, the world and other people. Memory problems could result, such as forgetting important details about the trauma. You may find it difficult to maintain close relationships and lose interest in activities that you once enjoyed.

Changes in your emotional and physical reactions to pest infestations: Things that used to make you happy will no longer have the same effect if they are traumatic. You might become more startled or scared quickly, and you should be alert in case of danger. You might resort to self-destructive behaviors like alcohol or drug abuse to numb the pain. You might also experience difficulty sleeping, concentrating, or have aggressive or irritability.

5. Psychological Intervention

Psychological interventions are steps that you can take to relieve distress by working with professionals. Contact a professional therapist if you have any of these symptoms. You can also contact pest control services to put your mind at rest. A trained exterminator in Myrtle Beach will be able to treat or prevent future infestations.

Watch for our next post – The most emotionally damaging pests

You can avoid pest infestations by hiring a pest control company such as Zap Pest Control, Inc.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

How To Prepare For Pest Control Service

You cannot just call a pest control company and then do nothing to prepare your home before they arrive. Effective pest control requires a partnership between professional pest control operators (PCOs), and homeowners, where both take action to eliminate the pests.

Although the amount of preparation required by the homeowner is quite standard, most PCOs will give you a list detailing the steps that must be taken before they visit. Many PCOs won’t treat areas not prepared for treatment because they could be unsafe or reinfest the entire house or building.

Preparation Tips Before Pest Control Treatment

Getting Rid Of Cockroaches

There are many ways to prepare for cockroach removal. Experts use gel bait insecticides these days to eliminate as well as control cockroaches. The gel bait is placed in areas where the cockroaches are likely to live, breed, or travel. For long-term success, it is important to clean your home before a pest control visit. This will make the bait more appealing by removing food sources.

Before any service is performed, it is important to inform the PCO if anyone is experiencing special allergies, or if a house member is pregnant or under the age of one. The PCO will specify that pets and people should not be allowed to enter the service area.

Flea Control Service

Fleas can be spread to pets from the outside, or from other pets. You can purchase flea control products to use at home or hire a pest control company to treat your yard and pets. Here are a few preparation tips before you begin the extermination of fleas.

  • Use hot water for the beddings of your pets.
  • Vacuum the carpet, and mop hard surface floors, including walls and in closets.
  • Vacuuming furniture is a good idea, especially under and between cushions.

Ant Control Service

Pest control specialists often use gel bait insecticides for ant infestations, similar to cockroach control services. You will need to place tiny portions of the gel bait in areas where you see ants trailing or feeding. You can place the bait on small pieces of cardboard, a holder or inside an ant station. You will need to clean up any spillages, vacuum thoroughly, and store your food in an ant-proof container or the fridge.

Rodent Control Service

A single mouse or rat can indicate that an entire family is living in your home. While there are many ways to eliminate mice and rats from your home, it is possible to hire an exterminator at times.

For the best results, repair any holes along walls and baseboards. Seal the doors properly to make sure that the treatment would last. Clear off the top portion of your refrigerator and the cabinet under the sink for easier access.

Bed Bug Service

Bed bugs are a serious problem and can be difficult to eradicate. A professional treatment service is usually required to eliminate bed bugs completely. The homeowner or resident is crucial in the success and safety of a bedbug treatment program. Preparing for service calls:

  • All bedding (sheets and covers, dust ruffles etc.) must be removed. All bedrooms should be cleared of all bedding, including sheets, covers and dust ruffles.
  • All bed linens should be washed in hot water. You should not change the bed linens until at least four hours following treatment or as directed by the PCO.
  • All personal belongings, including clothing, shoes, and stored materials, must be removed from furniture and floors throughout the house.

Termite Service

Although homeowners can learn about termites and help them identify problems, professionals for pest control in Myrtle Beach are recommended for termite control. Professionals have the expertise and equipment necessary to eliminate termites. It’s because of the different termite species as well as the unique methods needed to control them. Subterranean termites nest close to or below the ground, while colonies of dry wood termites can be found above ground.

PCOs suggest that homeowners should prepare for the pest control service by moving any appliances, furniture, or any stored items from their interior walls at least three feet away (wherever possible) from the spots the technician has designated as being in need of treatment. Don’t forget to cover your closets.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need the help of experts in getting rid of pests from your home.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Thursday, April 7, 2022

12 Pest Control Tips For Summer Bugs

We have many pests and critters in South Carolina during summer. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking termites, ticks, termites or any other pest, it’s crucial to take the necessary steps to protect your family and yourself from these unsightly creatures. Pest control services are an essential part of this puzzle.

To reduce your summer pest problems, you have other options.

To help you get through summer without having to deal with the bees and bugs that accompany it, we have compiled a list of our top 12 pest control Myrtle Beach tips. Continue reading to find out more.

Pest Control tips will keep pests away all summer.

1. Protect your skincl

To bite or attach to you, bugs such as ticks and mosquitoes must have access to your skin. Many people go outside in summer wearing shorts and a tank. Consider wearing long, lightweight, moisture-wicking, long sleeves if you plan on hiking in an area with large tick populations or relaxing by a lake with high mosquito numbers.

2. Wear light colored clothes

Some bugs, such as the mosquito, are attracted more to dark colors than to light ones. Swapping out dark colors with lighter ones is one of the best ways to reduce the number of mosquito bites this summer. This simple change can have a significant impact on the number of mosquito bites that you bring home as a summer souvenir.

3. Avoid skewed products

You can keep the bugs away if you wear perfumes or colognes in summer. Why? The intense perfume or cologne scents are attractive to many insects. Even though we may not consider them “scented,” there are many personal products that attract insects, such as magnets. Unscented sunscreens, lotions and hair products will keep bugs away.

4. Eliminate standing water

Standing water is a favorite of bugs. Standing water is a favorite of mosquitoes. Your pool may be safe because of the chemicals, but a bucket that has collected rainwater could attract more mosquitoes. You should inspect the exterior of your house and get rid of any standing water.

5. Use Your Garden

Although it is not guaranteed, some plants have been shown to repel mosquitoes. You might consider planting lemon thyme and sweet basil around your home. These flowers and herbs could reduce the number of biting insects in the area.

6. Use Insect Repellent

Applying the correct insect repellent can be essential to prevent mosquito bites. Bug repellents can come in handy if you are going to be outdoors in wooded areas, or at certain times of the day. You should always follow the instructions on the label as certain repellents may have additional safety restrictions.

7. Trim the Hedges

Basically, bugs love messy yards. They love hiding in big piles of leaves and overgrown grass. You can reduce the number of insects in your yard by cleaning it up.

8. Check Your Screens

We feel the need to open the windows to let in fresh air as the weather gets warmer. To make sure that your screens are intact, you should inspect all windows in your home. Check for holes in screens and gaps where they meet with the frame of the window or door.

9. Get rid of all the junk!

Spiders and dust mites are indoor insects that prefer dark, dusty and untidy places. Roaches and ants love dirty counters and food that has been improperly stored. Spring cleaning is a good idea as summer approaches. Your home will be less likely to attract bugs if it is clean. Get started with spring cleaning by downloading our Spring Cleaning Guide!

10. Look out for ticks

You’re probably familiar with the horrible creatures ticks can be if you have ever tried to brush your hair but found a tick stuck to your head. Avoid areas that have dense woods and tall grass as this is where ticks often congregate. When you return from a hike, make it a habit to check for ticks. Perform a thorough scan of your surroundings and remove any you find.

11. Be on the lookout for dusk or dawn

Different insects have different feeding times. The vast majority of mosquito species in America prefer to feed at dusk or dawn. This is why you will get more mosquito bites from people who are sitting on their porches right around dusk. Avoid spending too much time outside when the sun is rising or setting.

12. Pest Control Services

Working with a pest control company that understands summer pest control is one of the best ways you can protect yourself against summer bugs.

We at Zap Pest Control Inc. have the experience and knowledge to eradicate pests from your home using our safe, effective and environmentally-friendly approach.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need the help of skilled exterminators to get rid of pests from your home.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

How Do Pests Get Inside Your House

As the warm weather draws near, you might be preparing to spend more time inside your home. However, it’s not just you who wants to stay at home to feel cool this coming summer. When the outdoor conditions change, insects will begin to look for spots where they can thrive. Your house could provide them with a habitat that is insect friendly. So be sure you’re prepared by setting in place pest control measures to protect your home.

Pest Control Tips To Keep Them Out of Your Home

You need to check these places to make sure that the insects will not be able to exploit even the smallest opening to get access to your house.


Be sure that your doors are sealing tightly against the thresholds. These include the garage door. You should install new door sweeps if needed. Look carefully around the doors for any light that may be coming through. If there’s light then that is one spot where insects may enter.


Inspect the window screens for holes and fix them as required. Additionally, inspect the weather stripping for any worn out sections that may provide the pest with a point of access.

Wall Passages

Check all cable, plumbing, heating, as well as ventilation item that goes through the walls of your home. Another pest control Myrtle Beach measure you can do is to prevent the entry of insects by using a double seal. You can also caulk outside and put spray foam inside.

Exhaust Fans and Dryer Vents

You should also check the exhaust fans and vents from your kitchen, bathroom, or dryer. Check the vent dampers to make sure that they are moving they are moving freely and are not broken or stuck open.


Seal noticeable openings between the house siding and the trim. Additionally, check where the side walls merge with the foundation. Insects and pests will love it if they find even the tiniest opening here.

Foundation and Exterior Walls

Check the foundation and the walls for noticeable holes and cracks. You should be able to see at least a few inches of the foundation on top of the soil line. In case you don’t, then you have to remove the soil and make a barrier between the earth and the exterior walls of your home. As you are preparing your landscaping for summer, you should check the planting beds and the plants close to your home. Keep mulch pulled away from the foundation of your home. Prune plantings so you can make sure that the branches don’t touch your house.

Crawl Space

Check the screens over the crawl space openings. Any floor on top of a crawl space will represent a possible entry point for any insects and rodents. In case you cannot wriggle into the crawl space to check these things then you have to find someone who can help you.

Roof Vents, Soffit, and Fascia

A quick check at these spots could reveal noticeable problems. You have to inspect the junctures between the adjoining lines in the roof, which are the preferred entry points for Yellow Jackets and Wasps. Pay attention to the vent screens on the roof to ensure that all edges are fastened securely and there no critters prying or chewing on it.

Chimney Gaps

At least once a year, check your chimney cap. Think of getting one installed if you do not have one. It will keep raccoons, squirrels, and birds from building a home of their own in your home. Aside from making sure that critters are out for obvious reasons, you need to remember that they sometimes carry insects into your house as well.

Call Zap Pest Control if you wish to secure your home from pest this coming summer.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Monday, April 4, 2022

Carpenter Ants: How Much Damage They Can Do And Some Pest Control Tips

Carpenter ants are as bad as termites and pest control measures need to be taken as soon as possible. You may have even heard someone say that termites are a multi billion dollar issue but carpenter ant damage in the U.S. only costs hundreds of millions. Although this is true, this is a threat that you should never take lightly. If you leave it untreated, carpenter ants could do a lot of damage to your house. Here are a few things you need to know.

Among the biggest reasons why carpenter ants do not do as much damage as subterranean termites is that they are not as secretive. Because carpenter ants do not consume food, they need to do something with the wood waste that they are producing. This frass or sawdust is pushed out of the kick out holes and builds up of the walls and floors. When this happens, it will let the homeowner know of a possible pest problem, and a professional pest control Myrtle Beach is called on for assistance. But what if the frass accumulates in an areas that is hard to spot or where it could easily blend in? The consequence will be ongoing damage that could start to look a lot like termite damage.

Carpenter ants are known for feeding on rotting timbers or soft wood but they are also known to move into sound wood. Once they do that, they could easily weaken the support beams and cause the structure to warp, which is the same thing that termites do.

Pest Control Tips For Carpenter Ants

Because carpenter ants are attracted to rotten wood, controlling the moisture in your yard will help in making your home less appealing to them.

You need to address broken gutters that let water to run down the side of your house. You should also fix leaky hoses or damaged spigots that you may have in your house. Loosen the ground that’s been compacted so that rainwater cannot pool close to the foundation walls. Trim bushes or trees to allow the sunlight into spaces that get too much shade.

It is also crucial to get rid of food sources in your backyard. In case you’ve got wood borders for the flower beds, a stone border is not just a great landscape idea, it could also assist you in resisting carpenter ants.  You should move construction materials or firewood to a minimum of 20 feed from your home’s foundation walls. Keep a border of two feet between your foundation and mulch or think about changing mulch with crushed stone.

If left unattended, carpenter ant damage could be costly to you as the homeowner. It is never a good thing to let a pest problem go untreated. In case you are seeing worker ants or maybe swarmers in and around your property, you should call a pest control specialist right away.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. for any pest problem in your house. Our team is always ready to help you by setting up an effective and safe pest control strategy to deal with your pest problems.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Friday, April 1, 2022

Pest Control Myrtle Beach: How to Control Seasonal Pests

There is a lot to be excited about when you buy your first home. You also have a lot of new responsibilities including pest control Myrtle Beach. Home security is a priority for most homeowners. However, keeping your home safe from potential intruders requires more than deadbolts or home alarms. No matter where you live, common pests are always looking for homes. Knowing how and when pests work will allow you to protect your most valuable investment and avoid seasonal pest issues.

Like all living creatures, pests seek shelter, food, water, and water. They don’t require a lot of openings. Common mice can fit through openings as small and narrow as a pencil’s diameter, while spiders, and other insects, can get in through cracks up to 1/16 inches.1 Ants, the most persistent and common household pests, can only enter through cracks that are small and wide open.

Pest-proofing your property year-round requires a thorough inspection inside and outside, followed by prompt treatment. The following should be on your basic pest control list:

Yard and garden debris can be used as hiding spots or homes for pests. Clear away leaves around your foundation and clean your gutters. Keep your garage and outbuildings clear of clutter.

Seal any cracks or larger openings in the foundation and siding joints. Clear caulk and other sealants can be used to block common entry points such as those around gas and water pipes, telephone lines, and cable connections, and windows. Sealing reduces energy consumption, too.

Door thresholds and sweeps should be kept tight. Doors at corners are prime areas for pests.

To prevent pests and moisture from building up, make sure that wood landscape mulch is kept away from your foundation. You can deter pests by using stone mulch or fresh cedar chippings.

Cut back any shrubs or tree branches that touch your home and trim overhanging limbs. Both are ready to be used by wildlife and insects.

Place gutter downspouts to direct rainwater away from your foundation. Moisten, low-lying areas are places where mosquitoes and pests can thrive.

To keep unwanted intruders out, cover vent openings using wire mesh (also referred to as hardware cloth).

Pest activity is seasonal and has highs and lows. Spring and summer are the peak seasons, so be proactive. Indoor pest problems can be reduced by quickly dealing with them. Pests will seek out warm, dry places or food sources indoors in the event of prolonged drought, cold weather, or prolonged rain.

Keep an eye out for seasonal pest activity as the year progresses

pest-control-2-300x200.jpgPest Control Myrtle Beach: FALL EARLY SPRING 

Early pest activity is a sign that rodents are leading the charge. Moles and gophers are able to decimate lawns, leaving them covered with mounds and tunnels from the beginning of spring through the middle of summer and into autumn. Before the warmer weather arrives, act quickly if you see mole or gopher activity.


Fire ants can be tackled in spring and fall. Fire ant activity rises as soil temperatures rise in spring. Summer heat slows them down. Once the temperatures drop to moderate levels in early autumn, activity peaks again. Be aware of the harm they do to lawns and the suffering that these stinging insects cause to wildlife, humans and pets if you live in fire-ant country. Before fire ants become a serious threat, act quickly.


As spring becomes summer, ants and other outdoor pests become more active. Pest problems can be caused by warm weather, drought, and changes in your lifestyle, like barbecuing. Before you have problems, make sure your home is protected from ants and other insects. You can seek out the help of a professional exterminator Myrtle Beach.


Watch out for ant trails in your garden and around your new home as ant activity grows. You can fight ants indoors as well as outdoors with powerful products. In-ground bait stakes can be used to target outdoor areas. Place bait stations in areas where heat is emitted, such as behind ovens or refrigerators, and underneath sinks that have moisture or wastebaskets to draw the ants in. This will help you outsmart indoor pests.


Clear away any leaves that may have fallen from your foundation or gutters before the cold weather arrives. Seal any cracks or holes and keep pests out of your home. If necessary, trim tree limbs or shrubs.

Protect your home and family by controlling pests during peak summer and spring seasons. Amdro products protect your investment and help you keep out common pests.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you need the help of pest control specialists. 

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588