The absence of bees, flies, mosquitoes, and other flying insects are among the many noticeable changes in the outdoors as winter draws near. These insects are commonly linked with fall and summer, a nuisance to almost all kinds of outdoor activities. Homeowners are thankful for the colder weather because it brings relief from their bites and stings. However, the lack of flying pests do not mean a lack of all kinds of pests during the winter season. Given that, you need to know some
pest control tips so you can stop them from invading your home.
Bees and
mosquitoes may be flying overhead during the hot summer season, spiders,
rodents, and cockroaches crawl underfoot during the cool weather days. These pests are looking for shelter from the cold and your warm home looks cozy not only to you but to them too. It’s crucial to take preventative measure to keep these pests out since they could lead to more problems, not just cobwebs in the nook and cranny of your home. Rodents may carry diseases such as Hantavirus and Salmonella while some spider bites could lead to side effects. Cockroaches, on the other hand, could be a trigger for allergies and asthma.
Winter Pest Control
National Pest Management Association has listed some tips that homeowners can use to prevent winter pests from obtaining access to your home.
- Seal holes and cracks on the outside of your house to help prevent rodents from getting in. Make sure that the areas where the pipes and utilities are inspected. A rodent can fit through a tiny hole that is about the size of a dime.
- Replace weather stripping and loose mortar around the windows and basement foundation.
- Store firewood at a minimum of 20 feet from your home. Ants and mice could make their nests in wood piles and gain access to your house easily in case the pile is located nearby.
- Rodents could easily hide in clutter so make sure that the storage areas are well organized and you should store the boxes off the floor.
- Get rid of all moisture sites like clogged drains and leaking pipes. More attention should be given to bathrooms and kitchens because these areas are vulnerable to cockroach
- Set up door sweeps and fix damage screens in your windows.
- Screen vents to the chimney and make sure that the attic, crawlspaces, and basements are dry and well ventilated.
Winter brings with it a lot of worries like frost, snow, and wind, which could cause damage to your home. Follow these
pest control Myrtle Beach tips and it can help reduce the chances of your home encountering other seasonal issues because of pests. If winter pests are kept outside the house, your home will become a healthier place to be in, to host holiday gatherings, and spend time with family, and that’s what the season should be all about.
In case you suspect that your house has a pest infestation, call Zap Pest Control Inc. now.
Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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