Mosquito control is crucial especially because nobody wants to have mosquitoes at home. It creates irritating feelings and itchiness and brings other infections and even a visit to the hospital. It’s a known fact that mosquitoes can cause discomfort and other health related issues to humans.
These critters are among the most bothersome and threatening pests that brings itchy bites and deadline diseases. You could manage mosquitoes through access to pest control services and due diligence. If you’re searching for ways to lower the risk of these pesky mosquitoes, then you should read on.
Mosquito Control Tips For The Summer Season
Prevent Mosquito For Entering
Unless there’s an entry point, mosquitoes can’t enter your home. One important residential pest control tip is to block any entry ways so mosquitoes can’t get inside your home. To make sure that your place is mosquito free, you must close all windows and doors at dusk since mosquitoes look for spots to settle once darkness falls so closing windows and doors will prevent them from coming into your house.
Stop Mosquitoes For Breeding
Most pest control Myrtle Beach companies believe that a simple way to keep your house free of mosquitoes is avoid making a hospitable environment for it to breed inside or close to your home. Here’s a list of possible spots where mosquitoes could breed.
- Kitchen space and water bodies
- Garbage collection places, lofts, sink areas, and ditches
- Leaking hoses, sprinkler systems, and faucets
- Impure or unclean water in flower vases and pet water bowls.
- Unused water from hot tubs and pools
- Overwatered plants or lawns
Install Mosquito Screens For Doors
Mosquito screens and nets are effective and cheap measures that homeowners can choose to invest on if they want to keep mosquitoes away from their property. If you install mosquito screens, it does not only prevent mosquitoes from entering but also other winged creatures such as houseflies, bees, wasps, and butterflies. Another benefit of mosquito screens is you could enjoy the cool wind without having to close your windows and doors. You need to remember that you have to clean these screens regularly after installation because they’re prone to collecting dust, which could also lead to other health problems.
Maintain Water Storage Vessels and Rainwater Tanks
Female mosquitoes lay their eggs close to water bodies, commonly near ponds, or swimming pools. Mosquitoes could hatch eggs within 3 days after getting exposed to moisture. You can avoid stagnant water by making sure that water tanks are sealed. Making sure that there are no rifts on inlet pipes, covers, and lids. You should also install detachable screen mesh to the outlet end of all inlets and overflow pipes. Make sure that all water collection containers have secure screens and lids.
Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need professional help in getting rid of mosquitoes and other pests from your home.
Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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