Thursday, July 28, 2022

Commercial Mosquito Control Can Protect Your Business

A commercial mosquito control company that is experienced and reliable is the best way for your business to get rid of pests. You should contact your local health department if you need to have a health inspection done or address any other issues.

You should immediately eliminate mosquitoes if you have concerns about West Nile Virus and other mosquito-borne diseases. Zap Pest Control Inc. discusses mosquito control in commercial settings and the benefits it can have for employees and businesses.

Mosquito Control: What is fogging?

The materials used for mosquito fogging are called pyrethroids. These synthetic versions of naturally occurring pesticides found in chrysanthemums are synthetic versions. These are used to kill adult mosquitoes as well as flies. However, they can also be effective against other insects like ticks, fleas, and spiders.

Mix the materials with water to create a mist or fog which will cover an area as it moves through the air. The number of materials required depends on many factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, direction, type of insect targeted and the number of insects being treated.

Mosquito Fogging has many benefits

Fogging is a good way to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by getting rid of them as soon as possible. It will be easier to avoid being bitten by them if they are reduced in number. If they eat the dead insects from fogging, you may see fewer pests such as fleas and ticks.

Preparing For Mosquito Fogging

The many benefits of mosquito fogging make it an important part of your company’s overall mosquito control strategy.

It is effective in killing mosquitoes and other pests. Fogging will result in fewer mosquitoes and larvae in your area. This will keep pests under control, and decrease the risk of exposure to diseases such as Zika virus or West Nile virus.

It is safe for both humans and animals. Foggers don’t cause any harm to pets or people. Some of these products have been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They can be used around animals, people, and wildlife, without posing any risk to their health!

What is the best time to use mosquito fogging?

Fogging can be an effective method of managing adult mosquitoes but it is not a panacea. Fogging can be combined with barrier treatments but must be done in the right place and at the right time.

Fogging should be done when the mosquitoes are at their most active, which is usually between dusk-dawn. Because mosquitoes are most active at this time of year, it is best to fog when it is cool (less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit).

How often should you do mosquito fogging?

Regular fogging should be done to ensure there are no breeding areas or resting places for mosquitoes. Fogging should be done at least once per year to achieve the best results.

Fogging should be done enough to ensure there is no breeding or resting place for mosquitoes. This means that you must do at least two fogging treatments per month during peak mosquito season (May to October).

Mosquito Hazards

The most dangerous insects on Earth are mosquitos. Many diseases they carry can be fatal for humans. Malaria, Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever are just a few of the diseases they carry.

When they bite you, mosquitoes can transmit disease through their saliva. Within 1-3 weeks, symptoms of the disease can develop if a mosquito bites you. These symptoms can be caused by being bitten by mosquitoes. You should immediately see your doctor.

Mosquitoes are not only dangerous but also annoying and hard to eradicate. You can feel them buzzing around your head as you try to sleep or enjoy the outdoors. If they have access to your home, they will enter it!

Other Mosquito Tips

One of the most irritating pests in the entire world is the mosquito. They can make outdoor activities miserable and ruin our enjoyment.

Because mosquitoes can also carry dengue fever and West Nile virus, they are dangerous. According to the World Health Organization, these diseases are estimated to infect more than 200 million people annually.

To prevent mosquitoes from coming into your home and yard, it is best to get rid of them. Here are some pest control tips to do it:

Keep your yard tidy: Pick up leaves and grass clippings and clean gutters.

Eliminate standing water. Water attracts mosquitoes. Drain any puddles and other areas where water collects after rain, or water plants. Make sure your foundation and roof aren’t damaged. This will prevent water from getting inside the house.

Repellents: When you go outside, use repellents such as DEET. You should also use repellents if there is a high level of mosquito activity in your yards, such as in a pond or marshy region. Always read the label before applying repellents to children. Only use what is appropriate for them.

Professional Commercial Mosquito Control Service

Insects and pests can cause damage, making a business owner susceptible to customer complaints and fines. Businesses need to be vigilant about commercial mosquito control.

Zap Pest Control Inc. offers professional pest control in Myrtle Beach for residential and commercial areas. Our exterminators are highly trained and have years of experience to ensure that your home is free from insects and pests. We can handle pest infestation using environmentally-friendly products.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. today to book our service. Our team is always ready to help.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Monday, July 25, 2022

Attic Pest Control Tips You Should NOT Miss

If you notice unwanted guests lurking throughout your attic, you will need to implement proper pest control. Keep in mind that pests do not only attempt to enter your home from your kitchen door or lawn. They can also sneak in through your attic and, finding it a safe and comfortable place, they eventually decide to stay and live in it for good. This is why they keep on coming back after your every attempt to ward them off.

But don’t get hopeless. Here are some essential attic pest control in Myrtle Beach tips you can consider to ensure your unwanted guests will no longer come back to your attic.

Find out which pest you’re dealing with through their droppings

Almost all residential pest control tip starts with identifying the pest to be warded off. Different pests should be handled differently. When it comes to pests that like to invade attics, you can identify them by looking at their droppings. Each pest has a distinct size, shape, and color of droppings. Here are some you need to know.

  • Mouse has pellet-shaped droppings that are about 1/8 inch in length.
  • Rodents’ droppings are shaped like sausages and are 1/4 inch long.
  • Squirrels have similar droppings as rats but they are longer, reaching about 1 inch in length.
  • Raccoons have the biggest droppings with 3/4 width and 2-3 inches length. They are also shaped like sausages.
  • A bat’s droppings are often found in piles, are shaped like pellets, and are 1/2 inch in length.

As soon as you identified the pest behind the droppings in your attic, it is best to clean the droppings first before you proceed to work on removing them. According to the Centers for Disease Control, you have to open the windows in your attic and air out the area for at least 30 minutes before cleaning.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be in the attic while waiting for it to air out. Disinfect the area by spraying with a bleach solution that is 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Remember to wear gloves and masks the entire time you are cleaning and to properly dispose of the trash using sealed plastic bags.

After identifying the pest, apply the appropriate pest control methods

If you found mice in your attic, the best way to deal with them is to set up mouse traps throughout the attic and where they mostly crawl through such as near drainpipes and electrical wires. For rats, it’s best to use rat traps with covers instead of the little mousetraps. Rats are bigger and stronger than mice so be sure you use more efficient traps.

Use a metal cage to trap squirrels from inside your attic. Don’t forget to check your local laws regarding trapping and relocating squirrels. Different cities and states have varying laws so it’s better to confirm. If you find raccoons or bats in your attic, call your local pest control professional immediately.

Contact Zap Pest Control Inc. now to inquire about their pest control services.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Guide to Getting Rid Of Summer Ants

Ants are a common pest in America, and they can be a nuisance. These pests are not likely to transmit any diseases but can quickly take over living spaces. These pests may be active in the summer as they seek shelter and food. It’s important to know the most effective pest control tips to get rid of these little critters.

Many homeowners are familiar with ants but may not be aware of the fact that many common species are capable of infiltrating and taking control of homes. There are more than 700 species of ants in the United States. It is important to identify which one you have in order to get rid of them properly.

Pest Control Tips

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are known for their ability to dig through wood and create smooth tunnels within structures. Carpenter ants don’t eat wood; they tunnel through it and chew through it to make their nests.

Because of the structural damage they can cause, these species are a danger to homes. Carpenter ants can also bite and have strong jaws. When mature, a western black carpenter-ant colony can have between 10,000 and 20,000 workers. Larger colonies may contain more than 50,000 people.

Odorous House Ants

You can smell the strong, coconut-like smell it emits when crushed. Odorous houseants are determined pests that will climb up branches and plants to reach your home. They will nest in moist areas and wood that has been damaged by termites once they are indoors. Odorous houseants love honeydew and can contaminate food. To learn more about these ants, click the link   Little Black Ants

The little black ants are named after their appearance. They eat a wide variety of sugary and fatty foods, including fruit, candy, oil, grease, oil, and meats. Their nests are small, making them difficult to find due to their small size. They nest indoors in decaying wood and wall voids. Although they have stingers, these ants are too small and weak for any health risk.

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants have a reputation for creating nests under or in cracks of pavement. These ants are open to eating any food, even bread and meat, and will forage for food up to 30 feet. Although they are most commonly found in ground-level masonry walls, Pavement Ants can nest under floors and insulation.

Red Imported Fire Ants

Red imported fireants are common in the south of the United States. They are known for their ability inflict painless bites and stings. These invasive ants nest in soil close to structural foundations. They can also gain entry to buildings through any crack or crevice leading indoors. When disturbed, red imported fire ants can sting. This causes a raised welt which turns into a white pustule. We recommend that you hire a pest control specialist to eliminate these summertime ants.

These are some residential pest control tips to get rid of summer bugs

Eliminate nesting sites: Long-term successful ant management starts with preventing ants breeding around your home. You must remove any vegetation, yard debris, or old landscape material that could be used as nesting and breeding sites for these pests.

Reduce water sources: It is possible to reduce moisture and keep your home hydrated. Leakages should be repaired and moisture must be checked under sinks regularly. A dehumidifier is recommended for damp basements, crawl spaces, and attics.

Eliminate Food Sources: Keep your kitchen clean to deter ants from entering your home. To remove crumbs and spillages, wipe down countertops and sweep floors frequently. Keep food in sealed, pest-proof containers. Clean out any sticky jars containing honey, syrup or soda. Use a trashcan lid and dispose of your garbage regularly.

Eliminate access points: Make sure you inspect your exterior for any obvious access points. As ants can use branches as a way to get inside your home, it is important that trees and bushes are removed from the property. Use silicone caulk to seal any cracks or crevices outside the home, especially those where utility pipes are. Keep in mind that even the smallest openings can be easily accessed by ants.

If homeowners take the necessary precautions, ant invasions can often be avoided. For effective pest control, call a licensed pest control in Myrtle Beach if you suspect an infestation.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need help in getting rid of pests from your home.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pest Control: Species That Threaten Your Home

Invasive species are rapidly spreading across the United States, causing damage to property and new health risks. Invasive pests can spread through unintentional or accidental means. They have no natural predators and are able to rapidly grow in different areas of the country. That’s why you need to have proper pest control measures set up in your home.

Pest Control Tips

These are the top five invasive pests you should be aware of in your home.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

The brown marmorated stinkbug originated in Asia and arrived in Pennsylvania in 1996. These bugs are now found in 44 US states, and they have become a nuisance to many homeowners.

They are not considered to be a health risk to humans but stink bugs can hide in attics, crawl spaces, walls and attics to find shelter during winter. In early spring, stink bugs return to the home and become active.

They are known for their unpleasant odor when crushed. You can keep these pests out of your home by sealing any gaps in the window or door screens and vacuuming up any insects that are found within.

Asian Longhorned ticks

The Asian longhorned tick was first spotted in New Jersey in 2017. It arrived from Asia where it can transmit deadly diseases to humans and livestock.

They are an invasive species that can quickly multiply as females reproduce independently of males. The Asian longhorned tick is also known to transmit Lyme, Ehrlichiosis and Japanese spotted fever.

It is most well-known for transmitting SFTS, which is fatal in 15% of its victims. Use insect repellents containing at minimum 20 percent DEET to protect yourself and your family. Wear long clothes if you can, to minimize skin exposure.

To prevent tick-borne disease transmission, it is important to check your family, friends, and pets after they have walked through tall grass and wooded areas.

Spotted Lanternflies

Spotted lanternflies were first reported in Pennsylvania in 2014. They are now being found in New Jersey and Connecticut, Delaware, Virginia.

They pose a serious threat to the grape, fruit, and logging industries because they feed on the sap of many trees and plants. They can also lay eggs on outdoor furniture, rocks, and trees.

Scrape off any egg masses found around your house and put them in a bag. To report any sightings or migrations of this invasive species, you should contact the Department of Agriculture.

Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA)

The red imported fire ant (RIFA), a Brazilian native, was first spotted in Alabama in 1983. They can be found in the western and southern U.S., and they will attack anyone who attempts to disturb their nest.

They are often introduced to new areas by way of potted plants, trees, or shrubs. These tiny, invasive pests are named for their painful stings. They can form into raised welts which then become white pustules. People allergic to insect bites might react more severe.

These pests can be found outside, but they can also enter structures via HVAC units and AC units. To prevent them from entering, avoid RIFAs and mound nests. Another effective residential pest control tip  is to seal all cracks and crevices.

Formosan Termites

The Formosan termite comes originally from China. It was introduced to the United States through military cargo shipments following World War II. The southern United States now has this termite species in Hawaii, North Carolina and South Carolina.

It can also be found in Georgia, Virginia, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama. Florida, Tennessee, and California. These pests are often called the “super termite” and can chew through wood, wallpaper, and flooring. A mature Formosan termite colony will consume about one foot of 2×4 wood every 25 days. This can cause severe structural damage to homes in as little as six weeks.

Keep firewood stored at least 20 feet from your house, 5 inches above the ground, and a gap of one inch between the soil and the wood parts of your home. This will help prevent infestations. Also, remove moisture sources from the home. It is a good idea to schedule an annual professional termite inspection for homeowners.

If you suspect that an infestation of invasive species is occurring, contact a pest control professional immediately. A professional in pest control in Myrtle Beach can help identify the species and recommend the best course of action to eliminate the infestation before it becomes a serious problem.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now and let our team handle all of your pest problems.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Pest Control: Getting Rid of Mice in Attics and Walls

There are many species of mice, but the house mice are the most common. You need to know the most effective pest control tips to get rid of them from your house.

It lives in attics and walls, and it can be found in a variety of habitats. The adult house mouse usually has a grayish color with cream-colored bellies. They can grow to 2.5-3.75 inches long.

House mice are known for being able to adapt to extreme conditions and their ability to breed quickly, despite their humble appearance. A female house mouse can produce up to 35 children each year. Continue reading for more information, including how to remove mice from your attic or walls.

There are risks

It is important to prevent house mice invading your property. A rodent infestation can not only be a nuisance but also pose serious health risks. House mice can transmit bacteria and other diseases to food. The feces and urine of house mice can become airborne and spread disease, potentially triggering allergy symptoms and asthma attacks. House mice excrete so frequently that their droppings can quickly accumulate in your home’s interior walls and attic spaces.

Unknowingly, house mice can bring other pests into your home, such as mites and ticks, fleas and lice. These can carry bacteria and disease.

You should be looking out for signs such as droppings or urine stains in your home. For proper removal of mice in walls, attics, or other areas of your house, we recommend that you contact a pest control in Myrtle Beach. You or your family member should seek medical attention immediately if you notice signs and symptoms that could be caused by rodents.

Pest Control Tips

There are many things homeowners can do to stop mice from infesting their attic and walls.

Mice can squeeze into spaces as small as a dime. It’s therefore important to seal all cracks or gaps that might allow them into your home. You can prevent mice from entering your home by installing exterior door sweeps, replacing weather stripping and replacing loose mortar.

It is important to block all entryways and remove food, water, as well as harborage resources that could attract mice to your home. Keep food safe in sealed containers. Garbage must be disposed of regularly. Garages and closets should not be cluttered. Attics and crawl spaces should be well-ventilated. Firewood should be stored at least 20 feet from your home. Shrubbery should also remain well-trimmed. These simple tips can help homeowners reduce the chance of mice invading their home to search for food and shelter.

Warn Signs

You should be looking out for signs that indicate there are mice around your house. You may find their droppings softened and moistened or dry and hardened. Droppings are usually rod-shaped and have pointed ends. They measure approximately 0.125-0.25 in length. The presence of house mouse urine can also be an indicator that there are unwanted intruders.

Evidence of house mice’s movement around your home can often be easily seen. The paths used by house mice to move around are the same, leaving behind footprints, rub marks and droppings. The front feet of a house mouse leave four-toed footprints, and the hind feet leave five-toed tracks. Their bodies leave oily marks on walls where they travel.

You may also find gnaw marks on your home from house mice. These can be rough or smooth. You may also see them digging burrows with insulation. They can also eat any seeds, cereals or insects that they find in your home. However, if you do see a mouse in your home, it’s likely that it is just one of many hidden away.

Pest Control Treatment

You should immediately seek the help of a residential pest control professional if you suspect that you may have a mouse problem in your home.

Residential pest control professionals who are licensed are trained to safely and quickly eliminate mice from your attic, walls, and other areas of your home. Find a professional pest control expert in your area by visiting our Find a Pro page.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now and let our team help get rid of pests from your home.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Friday, July 15, 2022

How To Reduce Termite Treatment Costs

Among the most time-consuming and costly problems homeowners face are termites. Millions of dollars are spent each year on termite treatment, prevention, and extermination. Even with these rising prices, homeowners could still take preventative measures to make sure that the costs of their termite treatment will remain reasonable.

Homeowners have different options to cut back on these costs. A termite inspection is a wonderful option for the homeowner who would like to go for a proactive approach for their termite treatment in Myrtle Beach. This option, if conducted on a regular basis, could help in reducing termite treatment costs over time and will help prevent the termites from causing extensive damage to your home.

What Should You Look For and Where Should You Look For A Termite Treatment

A termite inspection will serve different purposes. Termite inspections, when done regularly, could help in the prevention of future infestations, help determine the severity as well as the size of an existing infestation and know what, if there is any, termite damage might already be present. The first thing that happens during a termite inspection is to search for signs of termites inside and around the property.

Termite tubes are the most typical signs of an existing termite infestation, even though other signs might be present based on how long termites have been eating away. Also referred to as mud tubes, termite tubes are small trails that run up the exterior and interior of the house. These tubes are made of termite saliva and are partially digested wood from the colony, along with different organic materials that might be present.

What Happens During A Termite Inspection?

The time it will require to conduct a termite inspection will depend on certain factors. Taking the complexity, size, as well as number of places to search, an inspection could take anywhere from half an hour to three hours.

These inspections must be performed every twelve months to make sure that you remain on top of any termite issues. If you reside in arid climates such as the desert, termites are inevitable. If you are considering doing the inspection yourself or hiring a pest control expert, there are a few things you need to consider.

The size of your house must be the first thing you have to consider. First of all, the size. A 1500-square feet property or a 5,000-square meter will make a DIY termite inspection a hassle. You need to also assess the accessibility to the different areas of your house.

Some attics, for instance, do not have enough rooms to move and the crawl spaces might be too tight that some adults would not be able to fit through the opening. You also need to consider how old your home is. Older houses could have unique places that are hard to get to. Another important consideration is the landscape. Plant life could make it harder for you to inspect your home for termite infestations.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you need professional help in getting rid of the termite infestation in your property.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bed Bugs In Your Rental Property

It can be frustrating to manage pests in your rental property. Bed bugs are one of the most challenging pest infestations you have to address. You need to get rid of them quickly. This article will show you how to treat a bed bug infestation and prevent problems.

Infestations of bed bugs are on the rise in the United States. Bed bugs can be clever travellers. You may be surprised at how quickly they spread. After infesting an area, bed bugs can travel on the clothing and luggage of tenants. It can be hard to identify how bed bugs got into an apartment building.

How do you know if you have bed bugs?

Do not panic if your tenant claims they have bed bugs. There could be other pests in your home that may display similar symptoms. If the tenants have pets, it is possible that they are dealing with serious flea problems.

How to spot a bed bug infestation?

  • Pillowcases and sheets stained by blood
  • Bed bug excrement can cause dark or rusty spots to sheets.
  • Bed bug skins on your mattress.

If the tenant insists that the problem is bed bugs, you should call an exterminator.

All bedding and mattresses in the rental property should be checked by a residential pest control specialist. The exterminator should inspect all beds, mattresses, closets, shelves, and drawers. It is important to catch the problem early because severe bed bug infestations can prove difficult to eradicate.

How can you rid your property of bed bugs?

These are the things you can expect from a pest control specialist in Myrtle Beach when they come to your home to get rid of bed bugs.

Move/Disassemble furniture. This is necessary to expose areas where bed bugs might be living.

High heat/steam treatment. Special equipment is used by exterminators to raise the temperature of the area to 118F and maintain that temperature for 70 minutes. This kills both eggs and adults.

Use professional-strength insecticide. Bed bugs won’t be treated with any of the common over-the-counter insecticides.

Seal furniture. You can seal furniture you or your tenant can’t afford to dispose of.

Who is at fault for bed bugs?

A professional exterminator may be able to give you information about how the bedbugs arrived. If a bed bug infestation is discovered in the tenant’s luggage after they have returned from a trip you could certainly hold them responsible.

However, it is generally difficult to prove fault in an apartment building. This could be because a neighbor could have brought the bed bugs in from another apartment. The bed bugs could then have travelled through the floorboards or cracks in walls to your rental.

If the rental is for a single-family house, it is easier to find out who brought in the bedbugs. Even then, the bed bugs could have been brought in by a maintenance worker, and not the tenant.

How can you prevent bed bugs?

You can’t just exterminate bed bugs. Your tenant is responsible for preventing another infestation. Make sure that you are both clear about how to take care of the property, and prevent bed bugs from returning.

Declutter. Bed bugs love a cluttered home or apartment. Bed bugs love to hide in clutter, making it more difficult to treat them.

Encase mattresses.  Protecting mattress and box springs with plastic or bedbug-resistant material can help prevent an infestation from becoming serious.

Avoid secondhand furniture. In New York, it is common to see furniture painted with bed bugs to discourage thrifters from buying infested items. It is a good idea to avoid secondhand furniture, particularly pieces that you find at the curb without knowing their exact condition.

It is important to practice good hygiene. A clean environment will help prevent any pest infestations. Carpeted units require that tenants keep the rental spotless.

What is the best time to let a tenant go because of bed bugs?

Your tenants have the right to live in a comfortable, habitable home. This does not include bed bugs. A bed bug infestation can cause a tenant to be eligible for a break in their lease. This is especially true if the tenants can prove that they were present before they moved in. If they notify you about the problem, and you do not act fast enough or don’t respond quickly enough, you can end the lease.

If your tenant has a bed bug problem and is living in a rental property, you must give them notice. This varies from one state to another.

It is a crime to rent a property that has been infested by bed bugs. You might be sued and ordered to pay damages if you can prove that your tenant knew.

It is possible to avoid having to deal with bed bugs and other pests. These pests are a nightmare for landlords. You and your tenant should be able to spot bed bugs from a distance. If an exterminator visits, you will know what to expect, and how to proceed to avoid another infestation.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need help in getting rid of pests from your rental properly.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Friday, July 8, 2022

Tips To Ward Off Pest Infestation

Warm weather is here, but it also brings more pest activities from arachnids, insects, and various other invertebrates. It’s much easier to prevent these pests from becoming an infestation, however, if they are already inside your house, there’s no need to panic. Get to know some of the most common summer pests and learn how to deal with them using the following pest control tips.

Common Summer Pests

Pest control experts say that there are three types of pests that remain dormant during winter and emerge once again during summer. These are flies, termites, and ants. When the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, these pests lay low and resurface later on once the weather becomes warmer.

The number 1 nuisance pest in the United States is ants. They don’t die out during the colder season but may be outside of the structure in landscaping or mulch, hiding beneath the rocks or even inside through the insulation if they want to stay warm.

Termites are visible during summer. It’s the time they start to come out to mate and create new colonies that could destroy the wood in structures.

Meanwhile, flies tend to stay dormant during winter but will start to invade structures when the temperatures begin to rise.

Cockroaches as well as bedbugs are active throughout the year since they’re most active inside the house but must still be covered for in summer when pest control activities are being done.

Proactive Pest Control Tips

The best thing you can do when it comes to pest control is to have an integrated pest control treatment program set in place that anticipates the most common pests in your area and checks according to the situation and proactively takes action.

Pest control firms can check your property on a monthly or weekly basis and determine emerging outbreaks as well as conditions that may bring about the infestation, like moist wood that could lure carpenter ants or perhaps leaves getting blown up against the foundation that offers nesting spaces.

Apart from implementing good pest control in Myrtle Beach strategy, be sure that all screened windows are in good condition to make sure that flies are kept out. Move the garbage cans or refused areas far from the building, if it is possible, and make sure that the compactor room or the trash chute are kept clean. You should also seal any entry point and install a door sweep to keep ants at bay.

Once a pest infestation has settled inside your home, you have to call in a pest control professional like Zap Pest Control Inc. to deal with it before it gets even much worse. These professionals will begin with the least toxic way to control the infestation.

Don’t try to handle the infestation yourself. Different insects need different treatments and you may end up having more problems if you use the wrong one.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need the help of a professional to deal with your pest control problem.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

When Do You Need A Termite Inspection?

Termites could cause a lot of problems at home. However, it is always not easy to know that there’s an existing infestation. Getting a regular termite inspection from a professional pest control company will help make sure that your house stays termite free.

There are four kinds of termites – subterraneanFormosan, dry wood, and dampwood. These four types of termites thrive in varying climates. These pests eat 24/7 and even cause major damage not only to your house but also to the surrounding structures.

Checking For Termite Inspections

The simplest way to determine if you have termites at home is to see them. To look for termites, look for damp areas of your house, especially around the wood. You might also find swarms of these pests around the windows as well as other parts of your house after a rainfall. If that is the case, you should get in touch with a pest control company right away to deal with the issue.

Termites develop mud tunnels once they cannot eat a specific substance. For instance, when termites feeding on a wood beam in your house finds concrete, they will make a mud tunnel to follow until they discover a different food source. You may also see mud tunnels in the foundation. The tunnels, which are about the pencil size in width, mean there is a termite issue. In case you see a mud tunnel, you must hire an exterminator to check your house.

Finally, the most typical sign that you have a termite infestation is wood damage. This could be difficult to detect since termites ruin the inner pats of the wood and do not always leave markings outside. In case of wood damage is too much, it may begin to show blistering or darkening on the outside. Regularly poking woodwork with a screwdriver to check if it crumbles is a wonderful way to inspect for termites on your own in between checks. In case you discover that the wood crumbles or indicates unusual indications of damage, you must call a pest control specialist right away to check the source as well as the severity of the issue.

How Often Should You Get A Termite Inspection

Termite inspection takes on an important role when it comes to keeping your house safe and well kept. Home inspections must include a termite inspection. However, if yours doesn’t include one, make sure that you have one done when buying a house. When that initial inspection is carried out, it does not mean you will always be in the clear. You must still have routine termite inspection to ensure that your house isn’t infested and to get important information on how you can prevent one.

You must have an expert visit your house once a year to inspect your house for termites as well as termite damage. The professional will check the interior and exterior of your house and the crawlspaces as well as the attic and the basement. Depending on the size of the house, the termite inspection will last about 45 minutes. When the inspector finishes the inspection, the pest control in Myrtle Beach expert will recheck the findings with you and discuss any needed treatment or preventive measures that you have to take. If you do this regularly, you can make sure that your home will remain termite free for several years to come.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you want your house inspected for possible termite infestation. Our team will also help with the treatment and preventive measures.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Friday, July 1, 2022

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

DDT used to be a popular option when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. However, this product was banned because they do more harm than good. Since the time it’s been pulled out of the market, homeowners have struggled to find effective pesticides.

Using other toxic insecticides is not recommended especially around beds or places where kids often stay. As an alternative, it is better to use eco-friendly and organic pest control to get rid of bed bugs.

Provided below is an effective and environmentally friendly strategy to get rid of these pesky critters. It is a simple method but needs to be applied regularly to effectively get rid of bed bugs. These pests hide really well and can easily transfer from one place to another.

  1. Inspect your living areas carefully especially in and out of your bedroom.
  2. Spray environmentally friendly and safe bed elimination spray every day for a minimum of three weeks under and surrounding every bed. This will help break their reproduction cycle.
  3. Use green bed bug proof encasements for your bed
  4. Always be anti-bed bug ready especially when travelling.

Where can you find bed bugs?

You can find them everywhere. They can be found in your mattress, headboard, bed frame, dresser, footboard, clocks, nightstands, pictures on your wall, computers, and even on the baseboard. If you see brown specs on your mattress then you have bed bugs. These specs could either be fecal matter or dried blood. You may also find dried skin, which happens when the bed bugs undergo molting process.

According to the FDA, you have to be persistent, especially when applying sprays that aim to kill bed bugs on. In case you find bed bugs creating nests on your bedding, it is highly recommended to use an eco-friendly mattress, pillow case, and box springs that have been laboratory-tested. Make sure that they are not damaged and don’t have any tears or holes. If you find some, seal them right away using permanent tape.

You should also clean the room that has been infested by bed bugs. If possible, clean your entire house. Strip the bedding and spray non-toxic anti bed bug solution on your pillows, mattresses, as well as frame surfaces. Let it dry. Continue to spray daily for at least three weeks. Don’t forget the crevices, cracks, and even wall outlets because bed bugs in Myrtle Beach could create colonies on these areas.

When laundering your pillow cases, be sure to use the hot water setting. It is also a good idea to run heavier comforters and blankets through a hot dryer cycle without washing. You should also inspect your furniture. Search for bed bugs, skins, and eggs. Check your furniture for tears or holes.

In areas where there are wires and pipes, be sure to caulk as well as seal all holes. Reduce the nesting environments by filling the cracks around the cove moldings and baseboards. If you don’t know what to do, call a pest control company.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you need professional help to get rid of bed bugs effectively.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588