If you notice unwanted guests lurking throughout your attic, you will need to implement proper pest control. Keep in mind that pests do not only attempt to enter your home from your kitchen door or lawn. They can also sneak in through your attic and, finding it a safe and comfortable place, they eventually decide to stay and live in it for good. This is why they keep on coming back after your every attempt to ward them off.
But don’t get hopeless. Here are some essential attic pest control in Myrtle Beach tips you can consider to ensure your unwanted guests will no longer come back to your attic.
Find out which pest you’re dealing with through their droppings
Almost all residential pest control tip starts with identifying the pest to be warded off. Different pests should be handled differently. When it comes to pests that like to invade attics, you can identify them by looking at their droppings. Each pest has a distinct size, shape, and color of droppings. Here are some you need to know.
- Mouse has pellet-shaped droppings that are about 1/8 inch in length.
- Rodents’ droppings are shaped like sausages and are 1/4 inch long.
- Squirrels have similar droppings as rats but they are longer, reaching about 1 inch in length.
- Raccoons have the biggest droppings with 3/4 width and 2-3 inches length. They are also shaped like sausages.
- A bat’s droppings are often found in piles, are shaped like pellets, and are 1/2 inch in length.
As soon as you identified the pest behind the droppings in your attic, it is best to clean the droppings first before you proceed to work on removing them. According to the Centers for Disease Control, you have to open the windows in your attic and air out the area for at least 30 minutes before cleaning.
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be in the attic while waiting for it to air out. Disinfect the area by spraying with a bleach solution that is 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Remember to wear gloves and masks the entire time you are cleaning and to properly dispose of the trash using sealed plastic bags.
After identifying the pest, apply the appropriate pest control methods
If you found mice in your attic, the best way to deal with them is to set up mouse traps throughout the attic and where they mostly crawl through such as near drainpipes and electrical wires. For rats, it’s best to use rat traps with covers instead of the little mousetraps. Rats are bigger and stronger than mice so be sure you use more efficient traps.
Use a metal cage to trap squirrels from inside your attic. Don’t forget to check your local laws regarding trapping and relocating squirrels. Different cities and states have varying laws so it’s better to confirm. If you find raccoons or bats in your attic, call your local pest control professional immediately.
Contact Zap Pest Control Inc. now to inquire about their pest control services.
Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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