According to industry experts Myrtle Beach termites can easily tear down homes quickly, causing more damage than fire and recent floods. And because termite damage is not often covered in your homeowner’s insurance, you end up spending more money to repair the damage caused by termites.
The primary reason why termites can easily and quickly cause damage to homes and properties is because they can thrive in and continue eating at your home structure without you or any member of the household noticing. This is also why they are often called the silent eaters.
What do Myrtle Beach termites find in your home?
Termites choose homes to start building a colony when they find suitable living environment in your home. What they basically need to successfully thrive are food, moisture, shelter and favorable temperature. Their main sources of food are dead plants and trees and dead parts of living trees. This is why they can often be found in your crawlspace or yard, which offer favorable living conditions and are located near their food sources. Termites find food in your home, particularly in your home’s foundation, shelves, furniture, doors, windows and books.
How do these termites successfully spread infestation throughout your home?
Termite infestation can easily spread throughout your home without you noticing because they remain hidden and covered at all times. They create tunnels from their colony nest that they use for travelling when they are looking for food.
The only time you can tell you are co-habiting with termites is during their mating season. This is the only time when they go out and travel outside of their tunnels to meet with other termites, choose a mate and start their own colony, often within your home as well. If you fail to witness their mating processes first hand, you can tell they have mated if you see discarded wings near your windows. Note that termites use their wings when looking for a suitable mate. And when termites found their mates, they shed their wings and proceed with creating their own colony on foot.
Protect your home from Myrtle Beach termite infestation
The best way to be protected from termite infestation is to hire pest control professionals to do regular termite inspection on your home. Keep in mind that one of the keys in keeping these termites away from your home is early detection. And you can ensure they are easily detected before spreading infestation by having pest control professionals regularly inspect your home of their presence.
Although, you can do the inspection on your own, especially if you know what you are looking for, it is still best to leave this task to the professionals. Zap Pest Control has the right tools, skills and expertise for easily detecting termite presence and infestation.
Some of the signs you may have termites in your home include:
- Dropped and discarded wings after their mating season.
- Droppings near doors and windows, especially if they are made from wood. Droppings may mean termites are eating away at your doors and windows.
- Cracked or bubbling paint, which means termites are eating the material beneath the paint or they are building tunnels for their transportation.
- Mud tubes running up the walls that are often found in the basement near your home’s foundation. These mud tubes are the tunnels that termites build for their safe and concealed transportation.
These signs may mean termites are already infesting your home and gradually building and strengthening their colony. Thus, when you notice any of these signs, it is best to call in a professional at once so they can do proper control and management to get rid of the termites.
But if you want to be able to have these Myrtle Beach termites detected before they can spread infestation, have Zap Pest Control do annual termite inspections. Give them a call today to inquire about their services.
Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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