Pests in your home are something we all know is bad. As fall approaches, pests in our homes should decline. However, colder temperatures will make it more difficult for rodents to seek shelter and food inside your home. This article will address the health and effects of pests such as mice on your home and give you some pest control tips.
Pest Control Tips You Need To Know
Pests can cause damage to your home
North Carolina State University researchers visited 50 homes to study the diversity of insects in U.S. homes. The researchers discovered that over 500 types of centipedes, mites, and spiders could be found in our homes. Pests, as well as rodents and mammals, could get into your basement and walls. These pests can pose a threat to your home’s stability:
The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites and other insects cause more than $5 billion worth of damage each year to American homes. These damages are not covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies. Regular inspections are highly recommended.
As they build their nests, rats, and mice can cause damage to insulation and wiring in walls or attics. Squirrels can also chew through siding and soffits to gain access to the attics. Many house fires in the United States are believed to be caused by squirrels, mice, rats, and mice.
Pest infestations can occur at specific times throughout the year: April is for ants; May is for moths; June is for woodworm month; July is for flying insects; August is for wasps and October is for rodent month.
Pests can have a negative impact on your health
These pests can not only cause damage to your home but can also pose serious health risks. In conjunction with federal pesticide laws, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has listed and described some of the health risks that pests can pose to your home. The following are the threats to each pest population
Pests can leave behind fecal matter or shed skin, which can be airborne and contaminate your air.
Common pests like cockroaches, mosquitoes, and other insects spread allergies, asthma, and food poisoning illnesses. Other insects can easily get through cracks in walls and bring their bacteria in.
Rodents can be particularly dangerous because they can contaminate areas where they are searching for food. Rodents can spread diseases by urinating in your home. Salmonella, E.coli, and Lyme Disease are just a few of the diseases that can be found in rodents and household mice.
How to avoid pest infestation and other health problems
Although you won’t be able completely to eradicate pests from your home, there are steps that you can take to prevent them from coming back.
Tighten it up. To prevent pests from infiltrating your food, store it in an airtight container. Your trash container should have a secure lid. Enlarge the envelope of your home by filling cracks and holes in walls, foundations, and vents. This will prevent pests from entering your home.
It should be kept dry and clean. To prevent standing water from attracting pests, make sure you fix any leaky pipes or appliances. Regularly cleaning countertops, floors, tables, and appliances will prevent food accumulation that can attract mice and other insects. It will also eliminate harmful waste that may have been transported through the home in the past. To eliminate pests and eggs, vacuum often.
Although you may not have more than 500 types of pests in the home, there are likely to be some. You can prevent infestations and keep your family and home safe. Hire exterminators to help you get rid of these pesky critters.
Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now if you need help getting rid of pests in your home.
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Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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