DDT used to be a popular option when it comes to getting rid of
bed bugs. However, this product was banned because they do more harm than good. Since the time it’s been pulled out of the market, homeowners have struggled to find effective pesticides.
Using other toxic insecticides are not recommended especially around beds or places where kids often stay. As an alternative, it is better to use eco friendly and organic
pest control to get rid of bed bugs.
Provided below is an effective and environmentally friendly strategy to get rid of these pesky critters. It is a simple method but needs to be applied regularly to effectively get rid of the bed bugs. These pests hide really well and can easily transfer from one place to another.
- Inspect your living areas carefully especially in and out of your bedroom.
- Spray environmentally friendly and safe bed elimination spray every day for a minimum of three weeks under and surrounding every bed. This will help break their reproduction cycle.
- Use green bed bug proof encasements for your bed
- Always be anti-bed bug ready especially when traveling.
Where can you find bed bugs?
You can find them everywhere. They can be found in your mattress, head board, bed frame, dresser, foot board, clocks, night stands, pictures on your wall, computers, and even on the baseboard. If you see brown specs on your mattress then you have bed bugs. These specs could either be fecal matter or dried blood. You may also find dried skin, which happens when the bed bugs undergo
molting process.
According to the
FDA, you have to be persistent especially when applying sprays that aim to kill bed bugs on. In case you find bed bugs creating nests on your bedding, it is highly recommended to use eco-friendly mattress, pillow cases, and box springs that have been laboratory-tested. Make sure that they are not damaged and don’t have any tears or holes. If you find some, seal them right away using a permanent tape.
You should also clean the room that has been infested by bed bugs. If possible, clean your entire house. Strip the bedding and spray non-toxic anti bed bug solution on your pillows, mattresses, as well as frame surfaces. Let it dry. Continue to spray daily for at least three weeks. Don’t forget the crevices, cracks, and even wall outlets because
bed bugs Myrtle Beach could create colonies on these areas.
When laundering your pillow cases, be sure to use the hot water setting. It is also a good idea to run heavier comforters and blankets through a hot dryer cycle without washing. You should also inspect your furniture. Search for bed bugs, skins, and eggs. Check your furniture for tears or holes.
In areas where there are wires and pipes, be sure to caulk as well as seal all holes. Reduce the nesting environments by filling the cracks around the cove moldings and baseboards. If you don’t know what to do, call a
pest control company.
Call Zap Pest Control Inc. if you need professional help to get rid of bed bugs effectively.
Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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